Online Books Violet (Magical Romance #1) Download Free
Violet (Magical Romance #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 110 pages
Rating: 3.33 | 6 Users | 0 Reviews

Details Regarding Books Violet (Magical Romance #1)

Title:Violet (Magical Romance #1)
Author:Pet Torres
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 110 pages
Published:September 29th 2011 by Pet Torres Books
Categories:Books. Free Books

Ilustration Concering Books Violet (Magical Romance #1)


Violet recebeu uma punição de sua fada mestre, aonde ela vai a terra com a missão de ajudar alguém. Ela conhece Henna, uma jovem que tem sua vida conturbada, depois do seu irmão ter perdido a namorada em um trágico acidente.
Violet Tenta ajudar a família da jovem e principalmente o jovem Heron, um rapaz rebelde e problemático.
Ela se vê diante de um amor inesperado, que surge em sua vida, após ir conviver com a família de Henna.

Obras publicadas da autora Pet Torres

Destino com sangue - Romance paranormal

Vampiros adversários-Romance paranormal

Andrômeda – Vampiros adversários - Romance paranormal

Valquíria – a princesa vampira - Romance paranormal

Valquíria – a princesa vampira 2 - Romance paranormal

Valquíria – a princesa vampira 3 - Romance paranormal

Casamento arranjado – Romance épico

Amor ou amizade – Romance

Amor ou amizade 2 – Romance

Emengarda – Romance

Violet – Romance

Na jaula com os leões – Romance

Ornella – Romance épico

Lua de sangue - Romance paranormal/gótico

Ilusório amor – Romance

Ilusório amor II – Romance

Ilusionismo obsceno – Romance

Sinalyna- O colégio Rosa – Romance Teen

Sinalyna- O baile a fantasia – Romance Teen

Itemize Books To Violet (Magical Romance #1)

Edition Language: English
Series: Magical Romance #1

Rating Regarding Books Violet (Magical Romance #1)
Ratings: 3.33 From 6 Users | 0 Reviews

Discuss Regarding Books Violet (Magical Romance #1)

Pet TorreS is a pseudonym created by the author with the initial letters of her first name and real surname.She is a young author that was born in 1980 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Pet attended to Fashion Design College. But Pet started to write romances since she was ten, just in 2008, she decided to follow in her career as self-author. Her work has already sold thousands of copies. One of herPet TorreS is a pseudonym created by the author with the initial letters of her first name and real surname.She is a young author that was born in 1980 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Pet attended to Fashion Design College. But Pet started to write romances since she was ten, just in 2008, she decided to follow in her career as self-author. Her work has already sold thousands of copies. One of her